Your Lib Dem Team
Cllrs Charles Quinn and Ted Dolman are your local Lib Dem councillors in Kingswood - working hard all year round. Covering the Kingswood community.

Ted Dolman
Ted is born and bred in Hull and Beverley. He currently works at the University of Hull. He has real world experience and skills which he will use to make sure Kingswood gets a fair deal from the Council. Ted will be part of Hull’s hard-working Lib Dem team.

Charles Quinn
Charles Quinn has been one of Kingswood's local councillors since 2012. You can always see him out and about dealing with issues in the area. He has worked with local people to deliver more facilities in Kingswood - such as post boxes, bins and green spaces - and is campaigning for a new community facilities in the area. Charles has fought on the Council to make Kingswood's voice heard - and has dealt with hundreds of issues large and small for local residents.
Contact Details
Please get in contact if you have any questions for the team or want to raise any issues with them.
Telephone: 01482 613776
Facebook: @kingswoodlibdemfocus

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