Your Lib Dem Team
Campaigner Darius Kirtiklis with Cllrs Cheryl Payne and Sarita Robinson are your local Lib Dems in Derringham Ward - working hard all year round. Covering the The Willerby Road, Wold Road and Priory Road areas.

Darius Kirtiklis
Darius lives locally in HU5 and runs a successful restaurant on Newland Avenue with his wife, where they have contributed to festive events in the Avenue. He helped set up a school that helps hundreds of children in Hull and East Yorkshire develop their English language skills.
Darius Kirtiklis will be part of Cllr Mike Ross’ hard-working Hull Lib Dem team. Mike and the Lib Dems are delivering positive change in our city after years of Labour not listening.

Cheryl Payne
Cheryl Payne lives locally on Bristol Road in the heart of our community, having lived in and around the area for 40 years. Was a retail volunteer for Dove House for 8 years and supports other charities and groups in Hull. Governor at Northcott School. She has been one of our councillors, since 2014 - dealing with hundreds of issues large and small.
Contact Details
Please get in contact if you have any questions for the team or want to raise any issues with them.

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